Experience Designer

Julie Harris

“How to make time for what matters” with Julie Harris

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“How to make time for what matters” with Julie Harris

Beyond any specific professional role, at the end of every day there can be a common sense of feeling: time is never enough, especially in the last two years.
Traveling in time or stopping time are concepts that have always fascinated human beings because whatever happens, time will continue to flow.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day and it is also clear since centuries that Panta Rei | everything flows.
So if we cannot stop time, we can go back to being the masters of everything we consider important without feeling overwhelmed and finding space and ways to devote ourselves to lighter aspects or to our dearest loved ones or, in short, to everything that matters to us.
It’s really possible and in addition to giving us a new way in living our professional sphere can also trace our path in life. The pandemic has led us to reflect even more on the meaning of time, on how we spend our days, on how we decide to live our free time. Regaining personal space has become an urgent need and it’s crucial to find a method that provides inspiration at work and well-being in our lives.
In this special episode of the NOIS3 about Design podcast, we talk with the experience designer Julie Harris in order to reflect on the meaning of time and how to acquire a new method, based on the book "Make Time" and the interactive workshop that will be held with her in March.
And if everything has moved into the digital realm, surely you've happened to recognize yourself in this repetitive scenario: jumping from one call or one task to another, arriving at the end of the day with the feeling of an overload or with some work unfinished.
Would you like to change the course of your routine?


Julie Harris

Julie Harris is a pyromaniac - everything she does is about intentionally sparking people, ideas and solutions. An experience designer, Julie is a certified Make Time workshop designer, facilitator and coach. She’s also a certified design thinker, Sprint facilitator, and writer with a background in psychology.

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